northern va fresh 48 photographer — Blog - Washington DC and Northern VA Newborn Baby Maternity and Family Photographer — Kate Juliet Photography

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northern va fresh 48 photographer

Brand New Baby Sister | Northern VA Hospital Newborn Photographer

She's here! After making everyone wait (not-so-patiently) beautiful baby Claire made her debut. And I have to say, she was without a doubt 110% worth the wait. She is so gorgeous and adorable and downright precious. I was so thrilled to meet her in the hospital for her First 48 session when she was just hours old. I love First 48 sessions because they capture something so special about the newness of a new family member. And after having the best time at this wonderful family's maternity session, I couldn't wait to see them all (+1) again!

Big sister Nora jumped into big sister mode immediately, and she was a complete natural at big-sistering right away. She was so eager and happy to be holding baby Claire in her lap. I could tell right away that these two are going to be so close and have so much fun together as they grow up. I can just see them now, staying up way too late telling secrets and sharing jokes with each other. Their parents telling them to go to sleep already, but quietly loving how bonded their girls are.

I can't wait to share the images from her portrait newborn session that I did too, but in the meantime here are some of my favorite images from their First 48 session. Enjoy!

I don't take these photos just for you | Washington DC Newborn Baby Photographer

It's been a whirlwind around here lately. I love photographing mothers and babies, so many gorgeous families, but I think it's time I confess something that might change the way you view what I do:

I don't take these photos just for you.

I love showing moms how beautiful and gorgeous they are. They, you, are my client and I will always take the opportunity to show you how amazing and wonderful you are with your children. But the honest truth is, I don't do it just for that.

I take these images for your children and grandchildren to have one day.

I take them so one day you can share stories with your children of how they were when they were small. So they know how you were with them. So they can see how from the very beginning they were loved so very much.

I do it so your grandchildren know what their parents looked like. To show how all of you have the same color hair, that dimple in your right cheek, or the same eyes. These images are proof that you were young once, just like them, and that you too were a parent who had no idea what you were doing, but you loved them so hard that you tried everyday to do better than you did yesterday. 

I do it because photographs aren't just images to be looked at. They are stories that you share. They are memories and shared histories.

They are how we remember and are remembered.

And I think that's worth capturing.

Best Valentine's Day Gift of All - Hospital Newborn Photography | Washington DC Baby Photographer

This Valentine's Day brought these two parents the best gift they could have asked for - a beautiful baby girl! After mom's maternity session, I was so honored to be invited to photograph her new baby in the hospital when she was just a day old. She is so precious.

I can't wait to see her again soon for her newborn session, but until then here is a preview of baby Evelyn's Fresh 48 session, enjoy!

Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Washington DC Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography

Brand New Baby Brother | Arlington VA Hospital Newborn Photographer

This post is long overdue, but I hope handsome little Evan's brand new squishyness makes up for at least some of my tardiness! I got to meet Evan's mom for her maternity session and also met with them for his newborn photos. In between, I was thrilled to do this in-hospital Fresh 48 session after he was born. From his very first hours he was surrounded by so much love. Mom and Dad were there of course, but so were Grandma and Grandpa. And even though he didn't show it right away, I think even big brother Declan had nothing but love for his new little brother. I love in-hospital sessions because they capture something so authentic and so wonderful when it's brand new.

Congratulations to this new family of four!

Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography
Northern VA Fresh 48 Newborn Hospital Photographer | Kate Juliet Photography